
Royce Annual Fund

Help us reach our goal of $70,000.00!
$40145 / $70,000.00
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Literacy is something a lot of us take for granted. While many people think of literacy as being able to read or write, it is also the ability to access, understand, and process information. Imagine not being able to read, or comprehend, instructions, directions, recipes, news, etc.

A student with a Learning Disability such as Dyslexia or ADHD does understand what it is like, and will require various levels of support throughout their academic journey to not only accommodate their disability, but also to help them reach their full academic potential. Unfortunately, those with Learning Disabilities do not receive the proper support in the public school setting, and are often ridiculed and struggle academically throughout their life.

With your help, there is hope for every learner at èצӰÏñ and Chatham Academy. Whether it is a child who requires specialized approaches to teaching their disability, a student in need of tutoring to stay on grade level, or an adult learner who is learning to read or studying to get their GED, Royce offers an educational environment where children – and adults – can feel safe and not be ridiculed by their peers.

We want every learner to feel valued, respected, and like you; are genuinely engaged in their success. Our goal is that every student receives the educational curriculum, personal encouragement, and social skills they need to achieve academically.

We hope we can count on your support of this year’s Annual Fund, and together, we can continue to change their lives.

Donations may be made online or sent to:

4 Oglethorpe Professional Blvd.
Savannah, GA 31406

To donate by phone, please contact our Director of Development; Guieneverre Cutlip at (912) 354-4047

Donate by Venmo: 

We greatly appreciate your support.


    When you make a donation to the Royce Annual Fund, you are making the difference in the life of a learner. Your investment in the potential of our learners and teachers;
    - Provides our students with extraordinary programs, opportunities, and specialized academic instruction
    - Augments financial aid benefits
    - Supports a diverse and talented student body
    - Sustains outstanding faculty
    - Provides extracurricular activities
    - Finances new academic initiatives and keeps us up to date on the latest in educational technology

    Every single donation – regardless of size – makes it possible for us to say “yes” to one more child, family, or deserving adult who needs us.

    It is through your generous support of Royce that we can continue to provide exceptional educational experiences for our learners in each of our programs; fostering our learner’s potential and self-esteem, and giving them the opportunity to succeed in their future endeavors.

    Hear how èצӰÏñ has impacted one learner; Charles Williams:

    $1 – $99 Supporter
    $100 – $299 Patron
    $300- $499 Sustainer
    $500 – $999 Carolyn Hannaford Circle
    $1,000 – $2,999 Champions of Excellence Club
    $3,000 – $5,999 Leading Learners
    $6,000 – $9,999 Honor Roll
    $10,000 – $24,999 Scholars Club
    $25,000 and Above Harriet Royce Society


    Donations may be made online or sent to:

    4 Oglethorpe Professional Blvd.
    Savannah, GA 31406

    To donate by phone, please contact our Director of Development; Guieneverre Cutlip at (912) 354-4047

    Donate by Venmo: 


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